BJP senior leader Dr Nagam Janardan Reddy has alleged that the Congress party was adopting double standards without carving out separate Telangana state, and made it clear that the BJP will create separate Telangana state after 2014 elections.
Speaking to the media here on Thursday, Nagam has alleged that N Kiran Kumar Reddy was acting like a chief minister only of Seemandhra region. He bemoaned that suicides were taking place in Telangana region due to the delay in creation of separate Telangana state. He has given a call to the people to make the ‘Praja Garjan’ a big success.
Speaking to the media in Hyderabad, state BJP chief G Kishan Reddy has said that opposition leader in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj will participate in the Praja Garjana to be held in Mahabubnagar on September 28. He said that the party cadre was striving hard to make Praja Garjana a big success. He said that he will go to Delhi along with the leaders from three regions to meet the BJP high command to clear the doubts arising on the stand of BJP on Telangana issue.