In a bid to counter KCR’s onslaught against Mahakutami, TPCC Chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy leaked the TRS chief’s medical and health reports during his fast unto death agitation. Uttam got the reports from NIMS where he continued agitations for more than two weeks in 2009 demanding for statehood for Telangana.
The Congress leader read out an extract of the medial report. It was clearly evident that KCR was being administered supportive IV Fluids with alimentation and multivitamins and other medicines through injection.
There was no risk to life as he was getting required fluids and nutrients through fluids . The civil rights activists Irom Chanu Sharmila had survived for 16 years without food as she was given the same fluids and nutrients through injection.
After three days of his fasting in Khammam hospital, KCR drank a glass of juice and called off his fast. The TRS leader resumed fasting agitation soon after the students of the Osmania university took out protest rally against him.
The Congress chief also claimed KCR was arrested in Delhi in a fake visa racket. However, the then Congress leader and MP M Satyanarayana Rao got KCR released on personal guarantee.