After speculation over where he’s been for almost two months, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi reportedly made a quiet return to the national capital on Thursday, according to reports. According to a CNN-IBN report, he returned to Delhi this morning. The report quoted unnamed sources as saying that the Congress Vice President had no bodyguards with him while he was on his almost two-month-long sabbatical.
While the channel initially reported that he was returning from Vietnam, it later said that he was returning from south east Asia without specifying which country. However, the Congress said that it wasn’t right to speculate about his whereabouts. Party president Sonia Gandhi was seen visiting his residence on Tughlak Road before his supposed return.
Rahul took permission for a sabbatical to consider the party’s prospects before the Budget session of Parliament began but was what was initially said to be a couple of weeks has now extended to over 50 days since he was last seen in India.
His departure also threw a spanner in the works for the Congress’s grand plans for Dr BR Ambedkar’s 124th birth anniversary but is scheduled to attend a farmer’s rally on 19 April against the land bill. While news channels upped their coverage on his return — replaying a single shot of Sonia’s car arriving at Tughlak Lane in loop — there is so far no visual confirmation of his return. If the response to his return in Congress is mixed, the reactions on Twitter were mainly sarcastic.