The ongoing case of Sukesh Chandrasekhar who allegedly conned over 217 crores from the wife of a former Fortis promoter is well known to everybody. His relationship with Bollywood heroine Jacqueline Fernandes came into the limelight when the case began and the Enforcement Directorate questioned the actress multiple times already.
While coming out of a National Investigation Agency in the middle of high security, few journalists asked Sukesh about the allegations Jacqueline Fernandes made on him. He said, “I don’t want to comment anything about her. She has her reasons to say. I don’t want to say anything.” He further added, “Wish her a happy Valentine’s day from my end. When you love someone, you try to protect them.” When questioned about Nora Fatehi, he said, “I don’t comment on gold diggers.”
Jacqueline who became a witness in the EOW case, said, “Sukesh has played with my emotions, made my life hell and ruined my career and livelihood. He introduced himself as the owner of Sun TV and claimed J Jayalalitha was his aunt. Chandrashekhar said he was a big fan, and said I should do films in South India too, and as the owner of Sun TV, they had many projects lined up. We should try to work together in south Indian movies. He never mentioned he was calling from jail or that he was in jail. He used to call from one corner with a curtain and a sofa in the background.”