After releasing controversial Power Star, ace director Ram Gopal Varma is gearing up to release his next film, Thriller starring Apsara Rani and Rock Kacchi.RGV has released the first look poster of the film and grabbed everyone’s attention with his typical film making style. He showcased the heroine in a weird look as we can see her kneeling on the road. Even before releasing the first look, RGV had released some hot as hell pictures of Apsara Rani and made his fans wait for the film.
Interestingly, this film will be released in nine languages Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Bhojpuri, Gujarathi and Odia.
At a time when the entire film industry due to the lockdown, RGV has been proving that there is no need to wait until the theatres reopen for the release of the film. He is making full use of online platforms to release his back to back films.