Ever since the state bifurcation and the formation of a new government in Andhra Pradesh, CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu on many occasions tried to convince Modi to announce the special status, special funds package and various developmental schemes to develop the residual Andhra Pradesh. However, Modi, who revived BJP in AP with TDP’s support in 2014 elections, never obliged Babu.
Adding to this non-cooperation, Modi’s go-to man and BJP President Amit Shah acted tough with TDP as the party has been demanding for ridiculously more seats in the upcoming GHMC polls, something which TDP is not happy about. Apparently, BJP is asking for at least 60 wards, whereas it hardly won not more than 5 wards in the past elections.
With the shameful setback it received in Bihar yesterday, no doubt that BJP’s raging horns will be tamed down to an extent and it is clearly advantage Chandrababu and Co. This is the time Babu go all out at Modi and exert more pressure to seek what was rightfully promised to AP during the 2014 elections. Even in the Amaravati inaugural event, Babu did not openly ask Modi for the special status or a package, both of which were promised by the PM himself.
Meanwhile, the Bihar result has taught the BJP cadres a great lesson to be inferior to the TDP in the Telugu states. Minus TDP, BJP cannot survive on Modi’s charisma alone anymore neither in AP nor Telangana, with KCR’s might tough to handle. With GHMC polls posing as a huge test for party’s survival, it’s clearly advantage TDP over BJP.