Nandhyal MLA Bhuma Nagireddy on Wednesday approached Human Rights Commission in Hyderabad to lodge complaint against cops for lodging false cases against him. Mr. Nagireddy complains Superintendent of Police over-reacted on the whole issue of unruly scenes at Council Meeting last month.
Describing the incident which resulted in serious injuries to TDP Leaders as a petty issue, He faulted the Cops for opening a Rowdy Sheet against a legislator like him. He quotes, ‘Due to pressure from TDP Government, Cops booked 3 false cases against Me and 13 Councillors against the Supreme Court directive. There is a political motive behind it’.
In November 2014, Bhuma Nagireddy and 13 YSRC Municipal Councillors for assaulting TDP Municipal Councillors during a general body meeting. Cases under sections Attempt to Murder and SC/ST Atrocities Act have been lodged against the legislator and his men. Even a Rowdy Sheet was opened against YSRC MLA following this attack.