Ronanki Gopalakrishna from Andhra Pradesh who shot to fame by securing third rank in the Civil services exam, had fell in big trouble. Hyderabad high court issued notices to the top ranker asking him to prove the genuineness of disability certificate he submitted to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) while appearing for the examination.
A division bench admitted a public interest litigation petition filed by advocate M Murali krishna and also served notices to the Commission and the Andhra Pradesh government and asked them to submit reports within three weeks.
The petitioner argued Ronanki submitted a fake certificate showing he has 45 percent disability to the UPSC and qualified in the Mains though he got less marks. In reality, the top ranker’s disability was not so grave to get disability status. Ronanki is suffering from right arm disability as his hand fractured in a incident during his childhood.