Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan is constantly criticizing AP CM YS Jagan and YSRCP government on key issues. He takes every opportunity but confines himself to just social media posts. While on one hand Pawan is attacking the state government, at the other end his party MLA takes part in a felicitation event of CM Jagan.
Going into details, impressed by the YSR Vahana Mitra scheme for auto drivers, The Central Delta Auto Workers Union hosted an event at Bridge centre auto stand in Amalapuram. Minister Viswaroop and Jana Sena MLA Rapaka Varaprasad Rao were guests of the program
In the same event, the auto workers, minister Viswaroop and MLA Rapaka poured milk on Jagan’s photo and later speaking, the Jana Sena MLA said, CM Jagan should be appreciated for sticking to his words for providing financial assistance to auto drivers which is the need of the hour.
This is a major embarrassment for Jana Sena especially to its chief Pawan who is leaving nothing to attack Jagan. What will be Pawan’s reaction on this? Will he take any action on Rapaka? Not sure and Pawan may not take this thing that seriously.