Police attacked a hotel at Yakutpura and detained 10 persons, involving the hotel owner, for indulging in betting on the India-Pakistan World Cup cricket match conducted at Adelaide on Sunday evening. Performing on information, the Rein Bazar police attacked Hyder Hotel behind Yakutmahal in Yakutpura on Sunday evening.
They discovered 10 persons, involving hotel owner Zakir Hussain, indulging in betting on the India-Pakistan match and detained them, Rein Bazar inspector G Ramesh told. Police caught Rs 8,230 cash from the gamblers and filed a case against them under the Gaming Act.
In two other instances, East Zone Task Force sleuths attacked a house at Amberpet on Sunday morning and detained five persons, involving local BJP leader R Raju, for indulging in three-card gambling. Police grabbed Rs 18,560 cash and five cell phones from the punters.
Meanwhile, the Hayatnagar police detained eight persons indulging in three-card betting at a house in Peddamberpet on Sunday and grabbed Rs 18,000 cash, three cars and nine cell phones.