Will Allu Arjun’s “Sarrainodu” become a big hit or will end up as above average grosser? This will be decided today. Any big movie first Monday is the litmus test for its box-office potential. If it holds on strongly on its first Monday and Tuesday, the movie would become a hit.“Sarrainodu” didn’t receive great openings on first day but the movie has picked up strongly on Saturday and Sunday. In Godavari and Krishna districts too it has posted superb collections on weekend even though the movie was weak in these districts on the first day.
The film has collected Rs 7 Cr share in Nizam for three days. In ceded areas too, it has raked in Rs 4 Cr in the first weekend. Overseas, it has picked up over the weekend and has crossed half million dollars and is heading towards one million dollars. Overall, the first weekend figures for “Sarrainodu” are good despite mixed talk.
Now the film has to pass through the crucial Monday test to be declared as hit.Directed by Boyapati Sreenu, “Sarrainodu” starred Allu Arjun, Rakul Preet Singh, Aadi Pinishetty, and Catherine Tresa in the lead roles. S S Thaman has given the music and Geeta Arts has produced the film.