King Nagarjuna’s ‘Shirdi Sai’ which was released a week back got mixed response from movie lovers and devotees. Many felt they had high expectations on the film which came in the combination of Nagarjuna and Raghavendra Rao as they earlier presented them films like ‘Annamayya’ and ‘Sri Ramadasu’. However all those are belied mostly because of unwanted and unexpected comedy of the film which made ‘Shirdi Sai’ a laughing stock.
While some devotees took it in their stride, the twisting of Sai making heavenly abode, no one could digest the obscene comedy which hurt the feelings of many. Some say it was Parachuri brothers who influenced Raghavendra Rao and Nagarjuna to include comedy track. As Raghavendra Rao believed them and Nag inturn KRR, these tracks are included which proved detrimental in the film’s success.
Shirdi Sai script writer planned a press meet prior to the release of the film, to express his sadness at the interference of Parachuri brothers in the script but he couldn’t reveal as the press meet was attended by Parachuri Gopalakrishna. Many new comers in film nagar say that Parachuri brothers unduly interfere in their scripts and spoil to the core but film makers and directors can not do anything as they have immense reputation in the film industry.