‘Jai Chiranjeeva’ actress Sameera Reddy who worked in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi projects in her prime is now a happily married woman and gave birth to a baby girl on 12th July this year. She shares the pictures of her daughter Nyra quite often and one such pic is now melting everyone’s hearts on social media.
Sameera is seen holding her baby in pure joy. Her happiness is quite evident on her face and she seems to be enjoying all the perks of motherhood. Along with the picture, she wrote, “To have a Lil girl is such joy! Can’t even understand how In our country the girl child was considered a burden I say ‘was’ because I hope that mindset has really changed. I still hear how in big urban families they prefer the firstborn to be a boy but I can tell you as one of three girls in my family we have achieved more than any boy could have! #girlpower #equal #girlchild #proud #babygirl #india #momlife”.
Baby Nyra completely stole the limelight and was the main attraction of the picture. Wish she has all the happiness in her life.