Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao has emerged as the top performing chief minister in the country in a survey done by cVoter. India’s largest independent news agency, IANS has revealed the survey details and it said that nearly 68 percent of Telangana people are satisfied with KCR’s government and governance.
Himachal Pradesh and Orissa chief ministers stood in the second and third positions with 58 and 55 percent of satisfaction respectively. To everyone’s surprise, Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu got 14th place with 41 percent of satisfaction over the government from the people. 28.6 percent of people are said to have completely not satisfied with TDP government and this comes shocker right before the elections.
This cVoter survey would prove advantage for KCR in the Lok Sabha elections and within minutes the survey details were out, KTR was quick enough to appreciate the efforts of his dad. On the contrary, YSRCP might use this survey as weapon to target TDP.