The wedding celebrations of Ram Charn and Upasana will kick off with the star studded sangeet ceremony on June 11. Preparations were in full swing for hosting the grand event at the Annapurna studios. The idea behind choosing this venue is to accommodate as many film personalities as possible. Apart from entire Tollywood fraternity, several big wigs from other Industries will be gracing it.
The speciality of Charan-Upsi’s sangeet is said to be the dance dhamaka of Allu Arjun, Tamanna and Shriya. These stars will be taking part in the rehearsals along with the dancers for the next couple of days.
According to the reliable sources, Allu Arjun came up with this idea of special dance numbers in Sangeet. Both Tamanna and Shriya, who are having very friendly relations with the Mega family, has immediately given their nod to take part in the celebrations. Let’s see, if Bunny’s idea could make the sangeet a memorable experience for everyone, including the Mega-Kamineni families, guests and the fans!