Family hero Srikanth will be acting in a movie to be directed by Kannada director Srinivasa Raju who is famous for his Kannada film Dandupalyam, which was recently dubbed into Telugu by the same name. Srikanth will be playing the leading role in this film, which will be made simultaneously in Telugu and Kannada. The yet untitled film will be produced by C R Manohar and Vijay. This film is likely to go on floor in June.
Dandupalyam is a movie of gore and blood in which a gang from that Dandupalyam village comes to Bangalore in the guise of daily labor. They scout for houses where they can do robbery and murders. They find out the convenient time to rob the house. And kill the residents by slitting their throat after/before raping them.The movie was a super hit in Kannada.