Seems like whatever the meeting or incident that takes place in his life at the moment, maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is turning it into a promotional stunt for Lakshmi’s NTR movie. And other day he met this senior actress, only to reveal that she spoke about some dark secrets of NTR.
Not many know that Ram Gopal Varma has huge admiration for many industry veterans like Dasari Narayana Rao and also some actresses. Other day he met Ramaprabha to say that his fanboy moment has come true. The talented director added that she is an unimaginably versatile and super energetic actress.
But to add salt and pepper to the whole revelation, he stressed, “The beautiful Rama Prabha Garu has told me some very deep and very very dark secrets about NTR”. One wonders what are those secrets she might have revealed as she is the one of those actresses who worked with NTR is numerous films.
At a time when Varma is making a controversial film on NTR’s life by choosing to tell the story from the eyes of Lakshmi Parvathi, one wonders what are those dark secrets Ramaprabha revealed.