Darshakaratna Dasari Narayana Rao happens to be a peaceful man these days. Until a few days ago, he appeared to have targeted some of the legendary heroes and celebrities of Tollywood and has reportedly used various platforms to express his anger on them. However, he seems to be not moving anything to stay away from unnecessary controversies these days.
In the meanwhile, the YSR party’s head, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had met Dasari today and discussed with him for 40 minutes on various political issues. He has reportedly requested Dasari to join his party. However, political analysts have understood that YS Jagan met Dasari as part of caste equations. ” YS Jagan wants Dasari to take on big leaders of other political parties who belong to Dasari’s caste.
But then, Dasari’s fans do not like their favourite director to be indulged in caste based politics. They like the director to lead a happy life with full of merriment and tranuility. Will Dasari hear their pleas?