Known for his straight forward remarks on film industry happenings veteran director Dasari Narayana Rao many times rubs some star heroes’ fans on the wrong side. Obviously there is a thinkable aspect in whatever allegation or analysis Dasari makes, but on a serious note fans are not happy that. Recently few hardcore fans of a former numerouno star made unpleasant comments on the director accusing him that he is intentionally maligning the image of their heartthrob. And here comes our director’s answer.
“Even when legends like NTR and ANR are alive, I praised ‘your’ hero from the same dais for his hardwork. It is me who has daringly stated that he is the No.1 to No.10 hero in Telugu film industry then and now. Didn’t I?”, Dasari questioned. “We share a cordial relation and I always desire for his wellbeing. But I can’t understand why these fans bases are making an issue out of blue”, he adds. Also Dasari asked these so called fan-bases to maintain some decorum on social network as the whole world is watching what’s happening. Maybe you might have got all clues about that dynamic hero and his staggering fanbases.