Ever since Dasari Narayana Rao’s death in 2017, the family feud among his children brewed slowly. Fight erupted between Dasari’s two sons, Dasari Prabhu and Dasari Arun Kumar, and Dasari’s daughter Hemalaya Kumari over Dasari’s house. While younger son Dasari Arun and Dasari’s daughter Hemalaya are claiming equal share in Dasari’s house in Jubilee Hills, elder son Dasari Prabhu is claiming the sole ownership of the house and this has worsened the situation of late.
The latest is that Dasari Prabhu had filed a trespassing complaint against Dasari Arun and also further alleged him of manhandling his wife. Prabhu filed a fresh complaint with the Jubilee Hills police accusing his younger brother Arun of “manhandling” his wife. Amidst the face-off between Dasari’s sons and the property dispute between all the three children, Dasari Arun Kumar has come to the media to explain his version.
“First of all, I had not trespassed into anyone’s property. It is my house too. My Aadhar card, Pan card, Driving Licence, Passport were all under this house. Secondly, on June 24th, I had gone to collect a document that was couriered to my registered address. The courier boy had told me that he had delivered at the house at around 6.30 PM. So, I had gone to the house at around 9.30 PM to receive my courier. While I had ranged the bell, there was no response much to the shock. Then, I jumped the wall. I had felt that was fair and not wrong since it was my house as well. The property issue is subjudice but the court’s injection order was not to sell the house without involving all the three parties (children). Since I too have the right over the property, I had jumped the wall and went upstairs where dad’s room was there. Then my brother Prabhu had come there. I had asked him for my courier and he said he would get it from the downstairs. While I was waiting for the document upstairs, he had called the Jubilee Hills police. In the presence of Jubilee Hills SI, I had taken my courier and left the place.”
Dasari Arun further said he has no idea why his brother Prabhu was behaving such. “My brother should have resolved the issue by just sitting for about 30 minutes with me and my sister instead of repeatedly going to the media and police.” Arun challenged his brother to show the Dad’s will if he has any. He said his brother was probably “depressed”. He said his brother is creating these issues around their father’s house only since last year. Arun said he has no issues to hold talks with his brother with whom he has differences.
Talking about the big heads of the film industry, Arun said he is always ready to meet them – Mohan Babu, Murali Mohan and C Kalyan – who were very close to his late father. He said they had done their best and they should not be blamed or dragged into this property dispute. Arun said he had got a call from producer C Kalyan the other day who took his version and promised him that he would do his best.