Manchu Lakshmi, recently won Nandi award for her performance as villain on her debut in ‘Ananganaga O Dheerudu’. She was over the moon and in her interactions with media said that she wants to win Oscar for herself. When mentioned that Universal Hero Kamal Hasan is not interested in Oscars and feels that they are not ultimate, she commented that he may not need them but she would like to posses one.
Her happiness doubled when Super Star Rajanikanth after watching her upcoming bilingual film Gundello Godari showered praises on her. Many felt the Manchu daughter made their family proud by bringing home prestigious Nandi which even her more famed and reputed dad, collection king Mohan Babu failed to win in his life time. When asked about it, she said even she couldn’t understand why her father did not win the award, though he did many successful films. She said her dad feels something wrong with the jury and always vents his feelings even when she asks him to let it go.
Manchu Lakshmi is now featuring in an important role in Maniratnam’s Kadali and said though she got some roles as heroine, she felt that they just want to market their films using her name and so rejected them.