Bollywood actress Deepika Padukune recently fired on media people saying why u people are writing always about my affair with Siddarth Malya ,there are no other things to write excluding that,you people wont get new ideas to create gossips she said,we all know she is a famous lady in affairs with famous personalities,in the past she was linked-up with Ranbir Kapoor for quite long time rumours went rounds that they are getting married,but suddenly she changed her man.
She is very talented in making affairs session wise in this way she gathered many expensive gifts from Siddarth Malya,news is that Deepika enjoys gossips very much,recently she has given a sattire to media that she not only enjoys gossips, Offcourse I like it so go for it,and always try to create new gossip on me she said,and she surprised media,now what media is thinking about deepika is new gossip means ,Deepika is pregnant ? like those yeah why not if deepika is that much talented to make a sattire on media why cant media can give a retorts in response to Deepika.