A couple of weeks ago, happening star Vijay Devarakonda announced that ‘A Crazy Song Of The Year’ is going to be released very soon. He spoke about the second song from Dear Comrade movie, which according to him will create a rage for music lovers.
Finally, the most awaited song is here, and at the first instance, the song is neither catchy nor it has any haunting lyrics that will make you wanting more. Composer Justin Prabhakaran’s tune is quite simple with limited orchestration we have to say. Rahman’s lyrics are also neither poetic nor they create that mystic feeling around the song. Only saving grace is the voice of Sid Sriram, which has anyway become monotonous in Telugu songs already.
Earlier Vijay Devarakonda’s Inkem Inkem Kavale became such a hit because a fabulous tune of Gopi Sundar supported by Anant Sriram’s terrific lyrics and Sid’s voice did the magic. Such magical collaboration is missing in this latest one of Vijay, and surely we could say that this is not a song of the year. But see, what audience will feel about it in the coming days.