Priyanka Chopra walked the very famous Grammy Awards’ red carpet with Nick Jonas, in a deep neck cleavage revealing white dress. While her plunging neckline dress attracted the fashion world, huge criticism from many kept her at receiving end.
Being fashionable is not wrong and it is one’s own wish to wear whatever they like, but the netizens are feeling that she should have worn a better dress when she is representing India.
Priyanka Chopra might be comfortable in her attire, but the onlookers complain about her over-the-board skin show compared to other actresses at that event. Priyanka going extremely hot to be the center stage is being trolled a lot and is attracting severe criticism.
While this is on one side, Nick Jonas has garnered an equal number of trolls about spinach spots on his teeth, on Grammy awards stage. Well, pushing it on a lighter side, Nick said that the spinach shows that he eats his greens.