Deepika Padukone is without a doubt, the most sought after actress of bollywood today and while she continues to rule the silver screens, Deepika is also equally involved in social works. And as part of another initiative, the pretty actress will start a foundation to promote mental health care on March 21st.
And since she herself suffered, she wants to work towards improving the mental health scenario in our country. Deepika has been working towards the cause along with a team of doctors and psychiatrists. She will start her own foundation that will be called “The Live Love Laugh Foundation”.
The name has been registered and while other details have yet to be finalized, she will start it on March 21st as this was the day that she decided to seek professional help last year. Although she has a packed schedule, Deepika is making time to understand the situation and is working towards it.
She has decided to take up this common yet taboo issue and is dedicating 2015 to create mental health awareness. On the work front, Deepika has a line up of movies including Piku alongside megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Tamasha opposite her ex Ranbir Kapoor and Bajirao Mastani with her current beau Ranveer Singh.