The BJP High Command is readying the ground for Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to contest polls from Karnataka. The BJP, which has a good stronghold in Karnataka in the South, believes that instead of nominating her for the Rajya Sabha, she could actually contest polls in the upcoming General Elections.
Apparently, this idea cropped up soon after the situation in the country changed following India-Pakistan tensions and how India has been receiving support and good from its people as well as the international community. The BJP leadership believes that this will benefit the party in the upcoming elections and help Nirmala win in case she contests.
As the Defence Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman has gained wide appreciation for being second only to Indira Gandhi in such a key and powerful position in India. Given that she is an MP from Karnataka now, the BJP is exploring options to make her contest from Bangalore.
The BJP High Command is mulling over giving Ananth Kumar Hegde’s (the leader who passed away late last year) seat to Nirmala Sitharaman. The Bengaluru South Parliamentary seat which was contested by Hegde, on the other hand, could be taken up by his wife Tejaswini, say BJP sources. In such as a case, there are chances that BJP High Command could look for another Parliamentary seat for Nirmala to contest.
While Tamilnadu, Nirmala’s home state, also came up for discussion among BJP leaders, it is believed that she doesn’t enjoy popularity and could be difficult for her to contest from the seat. All in all, looks like our Defence Minister will finally contesting for Lok Sabha if the BJP sources are to be believed.