KCR’s daughter and BRS MLC Kavitha has been added as an accused in the ongoing Delhi Liquor case by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The CBI summoned Kavitha to appear for a hearing on the 26th of this month after sending her notices. This action is the result of prolonged investigation and questioning by the investigating agency.
Kavitha, along with Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal, faces the possibility of arrest. This latest twist in the case follows revelations made by Kavitha’s personal assistant, Ashok Kaushik, who reportedly disclosed crucial information before the judge. By making this claim, Kaushik put Kavitha and himself in the crosshairs of the bribery scandal involving the spirits case.
Kavitha’s involvement was also revealed by earlier investigations conducted by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), which questioned her numerous times. Kavitha, however, claimed that she was unable to attend ED hearings because of ongoing Supreme Court proceedings.
The 28th of this month is scheduled for the Supreme Court to hear Kavitha’s petition about the ED investigation. All eyes are on the court proceedings as this high-profile scandal develops, as they hold the potential to decide the next steps.