One one side, mega hero Sai Dharam Tej needs a solid hit as Chitralahari hasn’t fulfilled his thirst to the full. At the same time, director Deva Katta, whose fame still hops around Prasthanam but other films flopping at the box office, is in need of a solid movie to bounce back. These are now joining hands for a film.
“Those who pave the way first will bleed first” is the theme on which this social drama featuring Sai Dharam Tej in the lead is being developed. Though there are very less commercial elements, we hear that Deva Katta has come out with a strong script this time such that they will score a staggering hit at the box office. It has elements related to society, corruption and how few good acts from everyone could lead to a better world.
As the mega hero is busy for shooting Maruthi’s Prathiroju Pandage now, he will be joining the sets of Deva Katta’s movie from December. They haven’t finalised other star cast for the now, but some big names are likely to join the movie. Meanwhile, Deva Katta is also waiting for his Hindi version of Prastaham to release.