Actors Kareena Kapoor Khan and Karthik Aaryan turned showstoppers for the 15th edition of Manish Malhotra’s Blenders Pride Fashion Tour on Saturday at HICC in Hyderabad. And the pictures on the same are makings fans go crazy on the internet. Kareena is seen wearing a beautiful silver and grey shimmery embellished Manish Malhotra’s label and walked the ramp.
Talking to media, the ace designer Manish Malhotra revealed that he loves watching Telugu films and he is fond of Vijay Deverakonda, Prabhas, Samantha, Pooja Hegde and Mahesh Babu. He also praised Hyderbad city for its greenery and traditional culture. Manish has recently opened his label boutique in Jubilee Hills. Talking about the food here in the city, Manish said he loves Chicken with Dosa, a unique combo.
On the other hand, Kareena also expressed her old connection with Hyderabad. “When I was 10 to 11 years old, I used to accompany Karishma for her shootings in Hyderabad. That’s how I got closer to the city. I love how roads and highways have emerged beautifully here today”. As a foodie, Kareena spoke her heart out that she doesn’t leave Hyderabad without eating idlis and dosas here.
The 53-year-old Manish Malhotra has been working as a designer and a celebrity styler for nearly 30 years and Kareena said that she can blindly trust her friend Malhotra. “If its Manish’s show, then I will look gorgeous, no second thought”.