Vijay Deverakonda’s name rings bell in Bollywood with the Hindi version of Arjun Reddy, Kabir Singh, turned out to be a blockbuster. In fact, Vijay’s Dear Comrade Hindi remake rights were bagged by Karan Johar himself. As Vijay is all set for his most-awaited Bollywood debut with Puri Jagannadh’s Fighter, he has got good news.
The Hindi dubbed version of Dear Comrade which coincidentally released on YouTube got tremendous response. Within 24 hours, the Hindi dubbed version of Dear Comrade got over 11 million plus organic views on YouTube. This is despite that the original movie is on Amazon Prime and was viewed well by audience who missed it in theatres. This response to Hindi-dubbed version of DC is big boost to Vijay and Puri on the eve of their Pan Indian project Fighter.
Puri is all set to showcase Vijay in never-before angry young man in action drama Fighter. Apparently, Vijay will be seen as a boxer. Vijay has undergone rigorous training in Martial Arts in Thailand under special trainer. As Karan Johar (who released the likes of Baahubali) is presenting Vijay’s Fighter in Hindi, there is so much attention in Bollywood about the film. Amidst this, the Hindi dubbed version of Dear Comrade rocking YouTube is a good development for VD10’s trade business.