After Dharmana Prasada Rao lost his cabinet post, union minister Killi Kruparani appears to be trying to take the district Congress into her hold. She has undertaken a district tour calling it ‘Rahul Sankalp Yatra’ to build up rapport with the people and downsize Dharmana.
Dharmana is reportedly angry with her, for trying to dominate the district politics. He has been in touch with the MLAs of the district to safeguard his own position to get elected to the Assembly in the 2014 elections.
Dharmana so far had a strangle hold on the district Congress politics and he was now rattled, after he lost his post. Added to this, union minister Killi Krupa Rani has started undercutting his influence. This has caused worry to him. This fight between the two leaders would further weaken the Congress, fear district Congress leaders.