Dharmana rushed to Hyderabad from Srikakulam on urgent summons by the Chief Minister. Kiran also called the home minister Sabita Indra Reddy, who is locally available. The two met the Chief Minister on Sunday night. It is learnt that Kiran has explained that the Congress High Command want them to resign, in view of the image of the party, as their names were mentioned in the charge-sheet of the CBI against Y S Jaganmohan Reddy.
Indicating that she would be resigning, Sabita did not use the official vehicle, when she came to the Chief Minister’s camp office. She came by her personal vehicle and left in the same vehicle. The two ministers were with the Chief Minister for about 45 minutes.
Media reports said that the two ministers expressed their anguish that Congress party leaders themselves made unnecessary noise about them.
Dharmana and Sabita left the Chief Minister’s residence, without speaking to the media. It is learnt that Dharmana expressed grief that he was made scapegoat and added that it would have been good if the Chief Minister accepted his resignation when he gave it earlier. The Chief Minister reportedly explained that he tried his best to save them. He told them that he took the files to Delhi and tried to convince the High Command that the two ministers had done no wrong.
He said though the High Command was convinced with the argument, still it felt that they should resign on moral grounds, as two central ministers resigned on the same grounds.