Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Dictator, released on Thursday, opened to thunderous response. Especially the film is faring well in the B & C Centres as Balayya is the God of Masses. In Ceded where Balayya enjoys great fans base, Dictator is clocking in good figures. Trade analysts say that the opening day figures are good and expected to grow big due to good word-of-the-mouth among masses.
In Anantapur district and particularly Hindupur constituency from where Balakrishna represents Assembly constituency, Dictator is setting the cash registers ringing. Since the film also happens to be Balayya’s 99th, there’s a huge buzz on the film.
Directed by Sriwass, is out and out mass entertainer. With this, producers are laughing all the way to the banks. Ahead of joining 100 movies club, Balayya delivered a good treat for fans.