The Sankranthi box-office battle has become quite a challenge for the teams of Balayya’s Dictator, NTR’s Nannaku Prematho and Nagarjuna’s Soggade Chinni Nayana. While fans of all these three stars are anxious to see who will be the final Sankranthi winner, trade circles are even more anxious about the box-office prospects of these films.
Of all the three releases, Balayya’s Dictator team was the first to announce that the film will release for Sankranthi on the 14th of January. However, rumors started spreading since last night that Dictator team has backed out from the Sankranthi race. Several gossipmongers even went on to murmur that the reason behind Dictator’s sudden postponement is nothing but the arrival of NTR’s Nannaku Prematho.
Witnessing the rampant rumors, the Dictator’s team informed us that there is no delay or postponement in the film’s release and that the film will surely release on the 14th January. Currently, Dictator’s team is shooting the item song on Balayya, Mumait Khan and Shraddha Das. Post-production work is also in the final stage and the entire work will be completed by the first week of January when the film goes for censor.