AICC general secretary in-charge of Andhra Pradesh, Digvijay Singh said on Friday that the party was in a deep crisis particularly in Andhra Pradesh and the country as a whole. Speaking at a brain storming session of the party in Vijayawada, Digvijay urged the cadre to go to each and every village to spread the party ideology.
Even though every party had agreed for bifurcation of the State, the Congress suffered most, Digivijay regretted. He felt sad that the party was totally rejected by the people in the State only because of bifurcation. He said the leaders should face the situation with courage, and added that only cowards were leaving the party.
He flayed both the Central and State governments for failure to implement the provisions in the AP Reorganization Act. He said that the earlier UPA government had announced special category status along with financial assistance from Central government to AP at the time of State bifurcation; but the present TDP government had failed to get the legitimate rights from the Centre.
Digvijay criticized Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu for his inability in demanding special financial package from the Central government, resulting in huge burden on the State exchequer. He called upon the party cadre to focus on the issue in a massive way.