It is a known news that Mega Power Star Star Ram Charan’s ‘Yevadu’ is expected to hit screens on 31st of this month while Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Atharintiki Daredi’ is gearing up for August 7 release. With just a gap of one week between the releases of these two big ticket entertainers, both the movies might face problems. Especially, the movies might suffer theaters scarcity.
Talking to an English newspaper about this matter, ‘Yevadu’s producer dil raju said, ” We’re leaving no stone unturned to release ‘Yevadu’ on July 25. We might have no option but to release it on July 31. I’ll definitely request Prasad( ‘AD’s producer) to rethink the release date of Pawan’s film. I hope, he will postpone the release”.