Right now, ace producer Dil Raju is busy with a horde of films in Telugu as the likes of Mahesh’s Sarileru Neekevvaru, Sharwa-Sam’s 96 remake and Nani-Sudheer’s V are in the production pipeline. And then came news that he’s going to produce three films in Bollywood right away.
While Boney Kapoor got the rights of Dil Raju’s F2, whose Hindi version will be directed by Anees Bazmi, the Telugu producer recently gave Yevadu rights to Nikhil Advani and Milap Zaveri, with the latter directing remake version in Bollywood. And then, Raju has acquired Hindi rights of Jersey movie and sold it to Karan Johar.
Some say that Raju is taking a share in these projects but not actually producing anything in Hindi. His production house will get a credit and his name will be credited as well on the posters, and a % of the profit will be shared from the sales. But some are saying that Raju will be in Mumbai and will be taking part in the execution of the project too. This revelation looks like something unoriginal because it is tough for a south producer to handle things in Mumbai.
If Dil Raju is not just a name on Bollywood posters but really putting his work into the movie making means, surely he will be making pure Hindi films as well one day. And that will make Telugu people proud for sure.