Telangana minister Yerraballi Dayakar Rao brought this news to Raju’s notice and the ace producer immediately decided to take the 3 kids (Manohar, Lasya & Yashwant) into his family.
Speaking about the same, Raju said, “We are going through some hard times together and in such a scenario, every act of kindness is a ray of hope. I am extremely pleased to be able to do my little bit in taking the vision of a happy community forward.
It was very recently that news of three young kids from Atmakur losing their mother just a few years after the passing away of their father, came to light. I am happy to welcome Manohar, Lasya and Yashwanth into my extended family today.
Losing parents at such a young age can be hard for any little one and I am glad that I will be able to support them from here on.
I am very thankful to Minister Errabilli Dayakar Rao garu for bringing their plight to my notice and for asking me to help them out.
It’s a matter of immense pleasure for me to take charge and make a difference!
The activities will be taken care of under the Maa Palle Charitable Trust initiative that was started by our family in 2018.”