It is known that 3 movies are clashing at box office for this Dasara holiday season. Since two of these three films are biggies, it is hard to accommodate theatres, and distributors would be running from pillar to post to adjust theatres for the films they are releasing. Amidst this mad rush, ace producer-cum-distributor Dil Raju is sitting pretty relaxed as he himself is releasing all these three films in Nizam.
It is not common to see one buyer betting his money on all films that are clashing at box office. There is a risk of one or more films eating away the revenues of competitors and the buyer losing money on one or two or all releases. Dil Raju however is a gamechanger and he has his own strategies in film distribution business.
Thanks to his command on theatres in Nizam and also having faith in SPYder, Jai Lava Kusa and Mahanubhavudu, he is gearing up to the monumental task of releasing all three films in Nizam. What’s more, he reportedly splurged the highest amounts, 25 Cr for SPYder and 21.5 Cr for JLK Nizam rights. All three films put together, he has at least Rs 50 Cr riding on Dasara season in Nizam territory alone.
Dil Raju is also releasing Jai Lava Kusa and Mahanubhavaudu in Uttarandhra. He acquired the tights of JLK for 8 Cr and Mahanubhavudu for a decent price.
No other distributor could have gone for such pricey distribution deals amidst such high competition. Recovering such high amounts in clash is difficult but the Holiday season holds key here.