Mirchi director Koratala Shiva is yet to start his second directorial venture. Mahesh and NTR are keen on working under his direction, but both the projects will take a while to hit the floors. It is still not clear about which of those movies will be launched first. Meanwhile there are rumors about Koratala ghost directing NTR’s current film Rabhasa.
This film is being directed by Santosh Srinivas of Kandireega fame and produced by Bellamkonda Suresh. Koratala Shiva is seen along with NTR more than Santosh Srinivas these days. This has ignited the rumors that Koratala is directing Rabhasa as Santosh Srinivas has fallen ill.
Koratala Shiva expressed his deep shock over these rumors. He strongly condemned and said “Shocked by hearing the rumour that I am directing NTR’s rabasa movie becos of the dir ill health. Totally false and utterly shocking. (sic)”. However Shiva didn’t make any official announcement about his project with NTR yet.