On June 1st, writer and producer Kona Venkat has announced a film on the life of India’s first female Olympics medallion Karnam Malleswari. This film is to be directed by Sanjana Reddy who debuted with Raj Tarun’s ‘Rajugadu.’
This morning a couple of newspapers claimed that director Sanjana is on ventilator and her condition is critical. The media reported that Sanjana got admitted in a private hospital with high fever on Sunday and the doctors who were treating her, suspected that she might incur a brain infection and so immediately shifted her to ICU.
Responding on these reports, writer Kona took to his Twitter handle and cleared the air. “Our ‘Karanam Malleswari’ Biopic director @sanjanareddyd is absolutely safe & sound and she would be home in couple of days .. She’s being treated for Viral fever.. Please put an end to all the speculations,” tweeted Kona.
Hope this will settle down the things.