The year 2020 has witnessed a lot of celebrity marriages in the Tollywood. Now, another young director has entered the wedlock lately. Vivek Athreya, who proved his mettle with Brochevarevarura and Mental Madhilo films, has tied the knot with his ladylove Sreeja Gouni on Thursday night in an intimate ceremony in the presence of family and friends.
Sree Vishnu and Nivetha Thomas, the lead pair of ‘Brochevarevarura’, had attended the wedding and blessed the newlyweds. Nivetha Thomas shared adorable pictures from the intimate wedding in which the gang is seen having fun. Music composer Vivek Sagar is also seen in the pictures.
Vivek Athreya will soon be directing Natural star Nani and Malayalam actress Nazriya Nazim for the film ‘Ante Sundaraniki’. Shooting for the film will resume after the V actor wraps up Shyam Singha Roy, further details are awaited.