After Rajamouli producing a low budget film ‘Andala Rakshasi’ introducing his assistant Hanu R’pudi as director. Now it’s the turn of another versatile director of Tollywood Deva Katta introducing his assistant ‘Pradeep Advaitam’ as director for a low budget movie. Deva katta who is a promising director of this generation with the films like ‘Vennela’ and ‘Prasthanam’ is now getting his name on production cards.
‘Photo’ fame Nandu is going to play the protagonist in this film, who is also playing antagonist in Deva katta’s upcoming film and Naga Chaitanya, Samantha starrer ‘Auto Nagar Surya’. National award winning short film ‘Advaitam’ fame Pradeep Madugula is making his debut under the production of Devakatta. Pradeep who has been working with Devakatta since ‘Prasthanam’ has bagged this opportunity.