In a series of tweets, maverick director Ram Gopal Varma has yet again showered his love on veteran heroine Sridevi’s glamour. This time he gave a retort to Boney Kapoor’s last day remarks, where the producer said that RGV is a pervert. about whom he don’t want to give any free publicity.
Many times in past, RGV stated that Boney made Sridevi a housewife thereby disappointing millions of fans like him. Once again he’s going to elaborate this opinion in his upcoming autobiography “Guns And Thighs”. Before that, he gave a clarity through his social networking page. His tweets are as follows:
“My advise to Boney is to read my full article in “Guns and Thighs” on Srideviji before spewing venom on me. I as a fan have more respect for Srideviji than what Boney has for her as a wife..only Srideviji will know the truth of this in her heart. Srideviji’s fame is not only because of her acting capacity but it’s also because of her thundering thighs –top critics of Himmatwala time.
If only acting talent is a measure for stardom why wasn’t Smita Patil bigger than Srideviji..The thunder thighs made the difference. I respect Srideviji for her thighs, her smile, her acting talent, her sensitivity, her persona and above all I respect her love for Boney”
Probably Ramu is the only person to publicly say that he admires particular curves of a heroine. Generally most people do that, but they don’t speak publicly.