Deva Katta’s first movie Prasthanam may not have performed well at the box office but it had earned good acclaim for Deva. He had enthusiastically started hisĀ second movie, Autonagar Suriya. Despite the positive vibes in the audience is suffering in cans due to the bad finances of the makers. He is hoping that the movie will see light in Summer. On the other side, He is seriously working on the script of his next movie. Devakatta has recently tweeted that his next movie is going to be on the theme ‘Abadhanike antha dammunte, nijaniki entha dammundali’.
Reports are emerging that promising young hero Nani may be the hero for this project. Nani is currently busy with the shootings of Paisa and Jenda Pai Kapiraju. An official confirmation on this new project is awaited.