‘Sarrainodu’ released with huge expectations as it brings the combination of Allu Arjun and Director Boyapati Srinivas. The movie hit screens all over world and the movie had premiere shows in USA yesterday.The movie already suffers from negative reviews and now it has got one black spot with Premiere shows collections.
The Box-office figures are staggering and the movie has just collected round $1,80,000 from premiere shows that can be termed as disastrous start.The only way the movie has to bring back profits is, it should make a fortune in this Weekend. Even worst flops like Ram Charan’s Bruce Lee and Pawan’s ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ had better opening in Premiere shows than ‘Sarrainodu’. So it is pretty low for ‘Sarrainodu’.
For an actor of Allu Arjun’s stature who has delivered two million-dollars movies earlier this is completely a huge pit fall. The movie never seems to have encouragement from NRI audiences. The movie was bought for a whopping price of Rs.6 Crores in overseas.