Apparently, the arrival of DJ Duvvada Jagannadham has marked the newest entry of dusky siren Pooja Hegde yet again. While her initial Telugu films like Oka Laila Kosam and Mukunda yielded nothing, this time she’s banking on a different theory.
When Pooja Hegde rose from a swimming pool in DJ Duvvada Jagannadham, it is whistles all over theatres as Harish Shankar made sure that this will not be just a simple long shot. There are a lot of close shots, following her curves and teasing audiences. It’s so hot that during the close-up shots, total bikini and waistline of Pooja got blurred by the Censor Board. And rumours have that she charged 1 crore for this hottest treat.
Though DJ received a mixed talk on First Day, it’s Pooja’s glamour show that received unanimously positive feedback. However, a little bit of acting skills from this hottie would have helped her role click more with the audiences. Even during songs, Pooja looked like by-hearting her lines and saying it back without any expression or feeling.
Meanwhile, those who want to run after this hottie just for that glamour might have to rethink because her 5’10” height makes her taller than many heroes now. Even Bunny struggled to make adjustments in songs when Pooja is around!!