Telugu cinema continues to humble Bollywood biggies. After Baahubali 2 shattered all the existing records of Hindi cinema, now Allu Arjun’s Duvvada Jagannatham has opened to bigger numbers than box office Ruler Salman Khan’s latest Eid offering ‘Tubelight’.
While ‘Tubelight’ collected Rs 21 crore nett. on Day 1 in India, DJ minted approx. Rs 24 crore gross. The power of Telugu films can be understood even better when we tell you that DJ was released in less than half the theatres Tubelight was screened in India on the opening day.
Coming to the US, DJ collected almost double to Tubelight despite having been released in half the number of screens. While Tubelight could mint only $280K on Friday, DJ collected around $530K (including Thursday premiers).
DJ’s dominance over Tubelight stunned top Bollywood trade analysts so much that they called the phenomenon (Tollywood films’ invasion on box office and making Bollywood look relatively small) a wake up call to Hindi film industry.
If Bollywood is so stunned by DJ’s opening, Telugu movie lovers can’t wait to see the response of Bollywood to the opening numbers of upcoming films of Pawan, Mahesh and NTR.