Former Minister DK.Aruna ripped apart Telangana CM KCR’s son KCR who is also minister in his cabinet. Aruna said she doesn’t have any Andhra leanings and she is not affiliated or related to Andhra Pradesh at all.
DK.Aruna said it is KTR who has Andhra blood flowing in his body. She said KTR got the name of late NTR who was born in Andhra Pradesh as his son is a big fan of NTR. She also said KTR even had his education in Andhra Pradesh, unlike her who was born and bought up in Telangana. She then trained her guns on CM KCR and said he calls of all party meeting to solve problems but is trying to wipe out opposition from the state.
She said TRS Govt is not bothered even though farmers are committing suicide in CM’s own constituency. Aruna said instead of showing concern to farmers suicides, they started insulting them. She asked Government to give electricity to agriculture and stop suicides of farmers.