Diwakar Travels bus accident, which happened a week ago, has created a ruckus in AP politics with the ruling and opposition party leaders indulging in heated debates and using unparliamentary language against each other.
After TDP leader JC Prabhakar Reddy’s outburst against YCP chief Jagan, the opposition party’s vocal MLA Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy has come down heavily against JC. The words used by Chevireddy against JC were so abusive and unparliamentary that we are unable to report all of them here.
Calling JC Diwakar Reddy a mental patient, Chevireddy alleged that he needs a veterinary doctor instead of a human psychiatrist to treat him.
‘He is an animal and should not be let roam freely in the society. He instead needs to locked in zoo along with other animals. Even pigs have better decency than him,’ uttered Chevireddy. He even used “Oorakukka”, “Maada” and a few other slurs to describe JC.
‘DNA Test needs to be performed upon you to ascertain if you are a Reddy or not,’ retorted Chevireddy.
Using slurs and ghastly remarks like the above against a public representative show to what level our politicians are stooping down to.